Zerbitzariaren ordua Thu 25/07/2024 orduak 18:43 | Europe/Rome

Molds for Production

Lote 67

Enkantea n.9165

Mekanika > Beste mekanikan

  • Molds for Production 1
  • Molds for Production 2
  • Molds for Production 3
  • Molds for Production 4
  • Molds for Production 5
  • Molds for Production 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

batch of molds for production

Full list in the annex

Together with the molds, the right of pre-use of the unregistered de facto trademark "M Marchioro" is also assigned, accrued by the bankrupt for having used the "M Marchioro" trademark on its products for over 50 years, in addition the domain “www.marchioro.it” to which the currently functioning website is connected is also transferred.
The curatorship instituted case n. 6989/2020 before the Court of Venice - Section specialized in business matters - aimed at obtaining the inhibition and nullity of the registration of the same trademark carried out by third parties

- goods located in Via Croce -


Lote etenda por

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 2.500,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 20.000,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 3.500,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


Informazioa eskatu Bisita eskatu
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
82 Lotes
Subasta en Gobid.it

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Enkantea 9165

Epaitegia Vicenza - Huts egin. n. 128/2019

Mon 05/10/2020 orduak 15:00

Thu 17/12/2020 orduak 16:46

Enkante Fitxa

Loterekin lotuta

6 Stolle Solairuak Garraioan


6 Stolle Solairuak Garraioan

Lote 2|Enkantea 9078

Lotearen xehetasunak

San Vito di Leguzzano (VI) - Italy

N. 4 Staffaging Kubiak


N. 4 Staffaging Kubiak

Lote 3|Enkantea 9078

Lotearen xehetasunak

San Vito di Leguzzano (VI) - Italy

Karga Aktuatzaileak


Karga Aktuatzaileak

Lote 20|Enkantea 15824

Lotearen xehetasunak

Selvazzano Dentro (PD) - Italy



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