Zerbitzariaren ordua Sun 22/12/2024 orduak 03:29 | Europe/Rome

Shelving Spans - A

Lote 69

Enkantea n.9165

Logistika > Eskaileriak

  • Shelving Spans - A 1
  • Shelving Spans - A 2
  • Shelving Spans - A 3
  • Shelving Spans - A 4
  • Shelving Spans - A 5
  • Shelving Spans - A 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 120 spans of metal pallet racking with various floors - ref. 222
n. 102 spans of metal shelving - ref. 244
n. 57 spans of heavy metal pallet racking - ref. 256
n. 98 two / three storey shelving spans - ref. 280
n. 1 lifo type shelving with 27 spans with ground floor and upper floor carrying 5 pallets per floor - ref. 246
n. 1 lifo type shelving with 18 spans with 1-2 floors carries 4 pallets per floor - ref. 285
n. 1 lifo type shelving with 15 spans with two floors carries 4 pallets per floor - ref. 254
n. 15 spans of metal shelving lifo type with two floors door 4 pallets - ref. 257
n. 24 lifo type shelving spans with two floors for storage 5 pallets per floor - ref. 228

- The material of this lot can be dismantled and collected only after the award and consequent withdrawal of the goods deposited above -

- goods located in Via Croce -


Lote etenda por

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 500,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 2.500,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 750,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


Informazioa eskatu Bisita eskatu
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
82 Lotes
Subasta en Gobid.it

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Enkantea 9165

Epaitegia Vicenza - Huts egin. n. 128/2019

Mon 05/10/2020 orduak 15:00

Thu 17/12/2020 orduak 16:46

Enkante Fitxa

Loterekin lotuta

Metaleko Apalategiak, Eskala eta Lan Tresnak


Gaztaren Lehortzeetarako Campateak


Eremuak, Tresna eta Altzariak Lantegian


Harraskalak eta gurpilak
CSalmentarako sarrerak konbinazioan
2 Lotes
Estanteria Lotearen


Metalko estruktura banaketa


Eremuaren Lotua


Eremuaren Lotua

Lote 2|Enkantea 25054

Lotearen xehetasunak

Resuttano (CL) - Italy

Desmuntatutako Apalategiak


Dendako Apalak eta Su-itzalgailuak


Apalak, Saskiak eta Gurdiak





Lote 22|Enkantea 25193

Lotearen xehetasunak

San Lorenzello (BN) - Italy

Eremuak, Poltsak eta Eskailera


Zerbitzu behar duzu?