Lot of various items located inside and outside the warehouse.
Some of the items may NOT be present. It is recommended to visit to check the material.
Zerbitzariaren ordua Tue 28/01/2025 orduak 18:27 | Europe/Rome
Zerbitzariaren ordua Tue 28/01/2025 orduak 18:27 | Europe/Rome
Eraikuntza > Eraikuntza-lanetarako ekipamendu desberdinak
Lot of various items located inside and outside the warehouse.
Some of the items may NOT be present. It is recommended to visit to check the material.
Lote etenda por
Balorazioa € 1.000,00
Erreserba prezioa
Tramo mĂnimo € 100,00
Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %
Diru-sarrera: € 600,00