Zerbitzariaren ordua Mon 10/03/2025 orduak 03:25 | Europe/Rome

Sandstone Batch

Lote 1

Enkantea n.21404

Eraikuntza > Eraikuntza materialak stockean

  • Sandstone Batch 1
  • Sandstone Batch 2
  • Sandstone Batch 3
  • Sandstone Batch 4
  • Sandstone Batch 5
  • Sandstone Batch 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

Sandstone batch. Castellana 200 Stockpile

For further information see the documentation in the annex
It is recommended to make a visit to check material and quantities.

To arrange a viewing please use the REQUEST VIEWING button in the website.


Lote etenda por

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 1.000,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 10,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 3.510,00

Lotean BEZa 21,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


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