Zerbitzariaren ordua Thu 18/07/2024 orduak 03:42 | Europe/Rome

Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry

Lote 8

Enkantea n.19796

Eraikuntza > Eraikuntza Industria

  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 1
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 2
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 3
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 4
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 5
  • Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena
Lot with tools and equipment for ceramic industry.
The lot includes the following elements:
-Press plates shelves
-Press plates (284) un.
-Ceramic roller Roller 300 45x35x3330 S
-Roller 300 45x35x3330 Sacmi
-Ceramic roller 45x35x3330 SACMI
-Ceramic roller 45x3330 SC F6
For further information see the documentation in the annex
There may be a discrepancy between the attached listing and the items present. It is recommended to make a visit to check material and quantities.


Lote etenda por

Balorazioa € 111.424,89

Erreserba prezioa

Tramo mĂ­nimo € 1.000,00

Eroslearen Gaineko 5,00 %

Diru-sarrera: € 2.200,00

Administrazio Gastuak € 800,00

Lotean BEZa 21,00 %aplikagarria izango balitz


Informazioa eskatu Bisita eskatu
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
Tile production - Machinery and equipment
15 Lotes

Tile production - Machinery and equipment

Tile production - Machinery and equipment

Enkantea 19796

Epaitegia Castellon

Tue 19/09/2023 orduak 16:00

Thu 19/10/2023 orduak 16:00

Enkante Fitxa

Loterekin lotuta

Betonaje, Pisatzailea, Monoblokoa eta Sortzailea instalazioa
Betonaje, Pisatzailea, Monoblokoa eta Sortzailea instalazioa
Betonaje, Pisatzailea, Monoblokoa eta Sortzailea instalazioa
Betonaje, Pisatzailea, Monoblokoa eta Sortzailea instalazioa
CSalmentarako sarrerak konbinazioan
4 Lotes
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