Ravaglioli trim bridge Model R200S, year 2006, matr. 02177 - ref. 4
- The asset needs a revision of the piping system and the addition of hydraulic oil -
Urtea: 2006
Marka: Ravaglioli
eredua: R200S
Matrikula: 02177
Zerbitzariaren ordua Sun 09/03/2025 orduak 03:47 | Europe/Rome
Garraioak > Ibilgailuen tailerreko ekipamenduak
Ravaglioli trim bridge Model R200S, year 2006, matr. 02177 - ref. 4
- The asset needs a revision of the piping system and the addition of hydraulic oil -
Urtea: 2006
Marka: Ravaglioli
eredua: R200S
Matrikula: 02177
Balorazioa € 1.229,51
Erreserba prezioa
Tramo mĂnimo € 50,00
Eroslearen Gaineko 12,00 %
Diru-sarrera: € 200,00