Industrial building in Caorso (PC), Via Carlo Grazioli 27 - LOT 2
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Caorso at sheet 22:
Parcel 365 - Category D/1 - Cadastral Rent €27,310.24
The land is registered at Land Registry of City of Caorso at sheet 22:
Particle 361 - Arable land with trees - Surface area 789 sqm - R.D. €4.25 - R.A. €6.93
Parcel 365 - Urban area - Surface area 14,998 sqm
The production compendium is located in the semi-central area of the municipality of Caorso, about 1 km from the center of the municipality itself, with a predominantly productive vocation, with the presence of industrial activities with free areas.
Vehicle and pedestrian access takes place from Via Grazioli and transit is permitted only through third-party properties (west of the edge of the perimeter wall of the building which constitutes, even de facto, the border).
The building, rectangular in shape, is divided into bodies separated by walls in relation to the activities that were carried out in each block; in the northern area there is the office block and services distributed over two floors while in the south-west area there are some support rooms for carrying out the activity. Externally, close to the building there are prefabricated shelters. Inside the shed there is a bridge crane.
The squares and maneuvering areas are paved with beaten concrete or asphalt.
The property has been subjected to looting and theft several times, with the removal of plant parts (particularly the electrical system).
The property is sold including the goods and materials contained therein:
- 5 ton bridge crane Nadotti
- entire glazing line
- machine called "automatic line for drilling and calendering sheets for DIGISYSTEM ferrules"
- n. 3 CAMI suction lines
- furniture and office equipment
- various equipment and materials
The costs for any disposal will be borne by the successful tenderer
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Sup. comercial: 5740
Superfície: 5.000
Toldo: 200
Oficines: 690