Hora del servidor Fri 10/01/2025 hores 03:55 | Europe/Rome

Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven

Lot 3

Subhasta n.19267

Alimentació i restauració > Cuina dels aliments

  • Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven 1
  • Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven 2
  • Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven 3
  • Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven 4
  • Ciclothrem Mt185 Termopan oven 5
  • Descripción

Refractory hearth cyclothermic diesel oven 60 x 2. Disassembly and removal by buyer.

Marca: Termopan

model: CICLOTHERM MT 185


Loto suspès per

Valoració € 6.000,00

Tram màxim € 250,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 500,00

IVA en el lot 21,00 %si fos aplicable


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Bakery - Machinery and equipment
Bakery - Machinery and equipment
Bakery - Machinery and equipment
25 Lots

Bakery - Machinery and equipment

Bakery - Machinery and equipment

Subhasta 19267

Jutjat de A Coruna
Venda n.2

Mon 10/07/2023 hores 16:30

Tue 08/08/2023 hores 16:30

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