Hora del servidor Thu 26/12/2024 hores 17:35 | Europe/Rome

Solar Cover and Gazebo

Lot 5

Subhasta n.21031

Mobles i oficina > Mobles diversos i equipaments

  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 1
  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 2
  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 3
  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 4
  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 5
  • Solar Cover and Gazebo 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

The lot includes:

Solar cover, composed of an upper part of an iron structure and an iron box section, the curtains torn in some places, measuring approximately 3.80 x 18 meters, in poor condition; lateral part characterized by uprights in iron box and n. 6 roller blinds of various sizes one of about 5 meters, 4 of about 2 meters, one of about 3 meters.
Considering the typology, the bad conditions, which is an asset built on site and made to measure with the difficult possibility of adapting to other contexts, the cost of disassembly, transport and reconstruction / restoration is evaluated as recovery elements - ref. 9
Steel gazebo measuring 2.60 x 2.60 meters with the same arrangement as the previous asset, with the upper part detached / torn and n. 4 roller blinds - ref. 10


Loto suspès per

Valoració € 650,00

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 25,00

Prima de l'adquirent 15,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 100,00

Despeses d'administració € 120,00

IVA en el lot 22,00 %si fos aplicable


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Catering equipment
Catering equipment
Catering equipment
5 Lots
Oferta lliure
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Catering equipment

Catering equipment

Subhasta 21031

Jutjat de Siracusa - Caiguda. n. 44/2022
Venda n.6

Fri 22/12/2023 hores 17:00

Thu 08/02/2024 hores 17:04

Fitxa Subhasta

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