Hora del servidor Wed 26/03/2025 hores 14:37 | Europe/Rome

Flower Boxes and Pots

Lot 114

Subhasta n.6771

Art i col·leccionisme > Objectes

  • Flower Boxes and Pots 1
  • Flower Boxes and Pots 2
  • Flower Boxes and Pots 3
  • Flower Boxes and Pots 4
  • Descripción

N. 7 metal lanterns will bloom a garden - ref. 669 Showcase Left input - Tank - photo 1743
N. 3 planter gadfly - ref. 670 Showcase Left input - Tank - photo 1759
N. 2 planters 20cm gadfly - ref. 685 Showcase Left input - Tank - photo 1744
N. 1 planters 25cm gadfly - ref. 686 Showcase Left input - Tank - photo 1744
N. 3 gadfly plant pots - ref. 688 Showcase Left input - Tank - photo 1757

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