Hora del servidor Sun 01/09/2024 hores 13:30 | Europe/Rome

Various Women's Clothing

Lot 2

Subhasta n.12950

Roba d'abric > Tèxtil i Confecció

  • Various Women's Clothing 1
  • Various Women's Clothing 2
  • Various Women's Clothing 3
  • Various Women's Clothing 4
  • Various Women's Clothing 5
  • Various Women's Clothing 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

Lot of various women's clothing, various types, colors and sizes (about 1600 items)

Full list in the annex


Loto suspès per

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 250,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 950,00

Despeses d'administració € 350,00

IVA en el lot 22,00 %si fos aplicable


Sol·licitar informació Sol·licitar visita
Clothing for men, women and children - Furniture and equipment
Clothing for men, women and children - Furniture and equipment
Clothing for men, women and children - Furniture and equipment
4 Lots
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Clothing for men, women and children - Furniture and equipment

Clothing for men, women and children - Furniture and equipment

Subhasta 12950

Jutjat de Bolzano - Caiguda. n. 4/2021
Venda n.3

Fri 05/11/2021 hores 16:30

Mon 20/12/2021 hores 16:30

Fitxa Subhasta

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