Hora del servidor Fri 27/09/2024 hores 00:09 | Europe/Rome

Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Lot 1

Subhasta n.14326

Immobili > Immobles Comercials

  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 1
  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 2
  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 3
  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 4
  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 5
  • Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

Commercial space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain, Calle San Juan 18

Cadastral Reference- 4297201CS7449N0004HY – sqm 480

Receivables from assets are approximately 3,400 euros for the community, 2,700 euros for Ibi and 3,700 euros for garbage (from 2021 to be paid by the tenant) but they do not pass them on to collection according to the AC consultancy in collection due to "error in concept of taxation ".
With regard to the insolvency credits of the community and Ayto, the insolvency report and the communication of the credits are attached.

The building is the subject of a lease.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Superfície: 480


Loto suspès per

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 1.000,00

Prima de l'adquirent 5,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 9.750,00

Preus mostrats sense IVA i càrrecs segons la llei


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Commercial local - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
1 Lots

Commercial local - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Commercial local - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Subhasta 14326

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Thu 19/05/2022 hores 15:00

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