Hora del servidor Thu 13/03/2025 hores 20:56 | Europe/Rome

Commercial premises in Puerto Serrano - Cádiz - Spain

Subhasta n. 15225

Jutjat de Cadiz
Venda n.3

Puerto Serrano - Cadiz - España

Commercial premises in Puerto Serrano - Cádiz - Spain - Law Court N.1 of Cadiz
Commercial premises in Puerto Serrano - Cádiz - Spain - Law Court N.1 of Cadiz
Commercial premises in Puerto Serrano - Cádiz - Spain - Law Court N.1 of Cadiz
3 Lots
Reducció -100%
Wed 08/06/2022 hores 15:00
Fri 08/07/2022 hores 15:00
  • Descripción

Commercial premises in Puerto Serrano - Cádiz - Spain

Law Court N.1 of Cadiz

For sale n. 2 commercial premises and a warehouse in Puerto Serrano, Province of Cadiz (Spain).

  • esborrar tots els filtres
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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