Hora del servidor Wed 11/12/2024 hores 20:37 | Europe/Rome

Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain

Lot 3

Subhasta n.9098

Immobili > Altres

  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 1
  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 2
  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 3
  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 4
  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 5
  • Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Tenerife - Spain 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

Covered parking space in Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Calle Fuente de Santa Cruz

Finca n. 19799

PARKING PLACE designated for internal purposes with the number THIRTEEN, which is located on the basement floor 1 of the Building called “CIUDAMAR” that stands on PLOT 1P, MANZANA 1.

The auction house commission (4% + VAT) is included in the lot price.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Superfície: 13


Loto suspès per

Valoració € 12.000,00

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 500,00

Prima de l'adquirent 4,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 600,00

Preus mostrats sense IVA i càrrecs segons la llei


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Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain
5 Lots
Oferta lliure

Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Commercial premises, land and garage - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spain

Subhasta 9098

Jutjat de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Tue 29/09/2020 hores 15:00

Wed 11/11/2020 hores 15:00

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