Hora del servidor Tue 26/11/2024 hores 15:18 | Europe/Rome

Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain

Lot 1

Subhasta n.14583

Immobili > Immobles Comercials

  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 1
  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 2
  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 3
  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 4
  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 5
  • Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Spain 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

Commercial space and apartment in Madrid - Calle Don Pedro 6

On sale: house and commercial premises in the quarter of the Palacio de Madrid.
Immobile registrato n ° 39832, Abitazione interna di destra al piano terra appendant of the building located in calle Don Pedro n ° 6 in Madrid. Abitable surface: 37.75 mq.
The mobile phone is the end of the facciata and the access from the community of the internal manufacturer.
Immobile registered no. 39828, Commercial location at the piano terra and belonging to the building located on Don Pedro street no. 6 in Madrid. Local area: 121.66 m².
The property has a facciata and access via Don Pedro.
Currently I have been able to sound physically and functionally collegiate and come to sell in a single lotto.
Secondo il catasto, il riferimento catastale 9639808VK3793H0002EY, corresponding to the due registry. Il fascicolo catastale si riferisce ai locali commerciali,
e l'abitazione non si riflette.
Total area of ​​alloggi and premises: 159.41 m2.
Cadastral reference apartment and commercial space: 9639808VK3793H0002EY
Cadastral reference cellar: 9639808VK3793H0004TI

The amount due, at the start date of the auction, for taxes and contributions to the Municipality of Madrid (mainly IBI, Garbage) is a total of € 10,907.13
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Superfície: 178

Partícula: 39828 - 39832


Loto suspès per

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 2.000,00

Prima de l'adquirent 3,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 20.000,00

Preus mostrats sense IVA i càrrecs segons la llei


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Commercial space and apartment - Madrid - Historic Center
Commercial space and apartment - Madrid - Historic Center
Commercial space and apartment - Madrid - Historic Center
1 Lots

Commercial space and apartment - Madrid - Historic Center

Commercial space and apartment - Madrid - Historic Center

Subhasta 14583

Jutjat de Madrid
Venda n.2

Tue 05/04/2022 hores 15:00

Thu 05/05/2022 hores 15:02

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