Hora del servidor Wed 15/01/2025 hores 13:00 | Europe/Rome

Ribbons, Bags and Packs

Lot 8

Subhasta n.9852

Roba d'abric > Tèxtil i Confecció

  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 1
  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 2
  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 3
  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 4
  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 5
  • Ribbons, Bags and Packs 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

N. 1586 Ribbons Trimmings Felt Accessories Including their Displays
N. 1546 Bags, Tulle, Boxes, Stickers, For favors
N. 676 Applications (Packaging Boxes)

Aquest lot forma part de:

Decoration materials and decoupage
CLots en venda en combinació
11 Lots
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Decoration materials and decoupage
Decoration materials and decoupage
Decoration materials and decoupage
11 Lots
Preus reduïts
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Decoration materials and decoupage

Decoration materials and decoupage

Subhasta 9852

Jutjat de Brescia - Caiguda. n. 190/2019
Venda n.4

Wed 23/12/2020 hores 16:00

Tue 16/02/2021 hores 16:00

Fitxa Subhasta

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