Hora del servidor Fri 05/07/2024 hores 08:09 | Europe/Rome

Linear Detector 100mt

Lot 31

Subhasta n.21279

Mobles i oficina > Informàtica i Oficina

  • Linear Detector 100mt 1
All those interested in the purchase will be able to register for the auction until 04/03/2024 hores 16:30
  • Descripción

n. 1 linear detector 100 meters - ref. 114

Aquest lot forma part de:

Machinery and Equipment - Food Packaging
Machinery and Equipment - Food Packaging
Machinery and Equipment - Food Packaging
Machinery and Equipment - Food Packaging
CLots en venda en combinació
38 Lots
Sol·licitar informació Sol·licitar visita
Food packaging - Machinery and equipment
Food packaging - Machinery and equipment
Food packaging - Machinery and equipment
38 Lots
Preus reduïts
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Food packaging - Machinery and equipment

Food packaging - Machinery and equipment

Subhasta 21279

Jutjat de Potenza - Caiguda. n. 22/2021
Venda n.5

Mon 04/03/2024 hores 15:00

Thu 14/03/2024 hores 15:15

Fitxa Subhasta

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