Hora del servidor Mon 23/12/2024 hores 00:21 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Various Shop Items

Lot 42

Subhasta n.10914

Mobles i oficina > Mobles diversos i equipaments

  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 1
  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 2
  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 3
  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 4
  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 5
  • Office Furniture and Various Shop Items 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

The lot includes:

n. 1 mobile office area - shelf with 26 long shelves brand: leroa measures: 3.20x208
n. 1 office area table brand: taller mod. riñon y pie shape measures: 2,36x1,31x78
n. 1 steel curtain pole display
n. 1 corner office furniture brand: taller mod. 2 modules 5 cajones measures: 2.89x1.70x75
n. 2 aluminum shelves brand: leroa mod. 2 apliques measures: 1.45x38
n. 1 chair with wheel mod. respaldo madeira
n. 10 catalogs mod. grancasa
n. 16 fabric catalogs brand: varios proveedroes mod. varios proveedores
n. 11 brand wallpaper catalogs: varios proveedroes mod. varios proveedores
n. 27 catalogs mod. designers guild
n. 1 chair with polityleno wheels in the tail brand: kartel mod. amarillo
n. 1 polityleno chair in the rear brand: kartel mod. cream
n. 192 hangers-fabric catalogs brand: varios proveedroes mod. varios proveedores
n. 1 sample shops mod. caja piel
n. 3 carpet sample mod. varios proveedores


Loto suspès per

Valoració € 894,60

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 50,00

Prima de l'adquirent 15,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 400,00

Despeses d'administració € 190,00

IVA en el lot 21,00 %si fos aplicable


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Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
Design Furniture and Lighting
36 Lots

Design Furniture and Lighting

Design Furniture and Lighting

Subhasta 10914

Jutjat de Pontevedra
Venda n.4

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Thu 20/05/2021 hores 16:36

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