Hora del servidor Sun 01/09/2024 hores 04:07 | Europe/Rome

IVECO 35C13, Ford Transit and - N. 2 Renault Clio Van

Subhasta n. 19195

Jutjat de Trento - Administració Judicial n. 2931/2017

Trento (TN) - Italy

IVECO 35C13, Ford Transit and N. 2 Renault Clio Van - Judicial administration n. 2931/2017 - Trento Law Court
IVECO 35C13, Ford Transit and N. 2 Renault Clio Van - Judicial administration n. 2931/2017 - Trento Law Court
IVECO 35C13, Ford Transit and N. 2 Renault Clio Van - Judicial administration n. 2931/2017 - Trento Law Court
4 Lots
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.it
Fri 14/07/2023 hores 15:30
Tue 26/09/2023 hores 16:07
  • Descripción

IVECO 35C13, Ford Transit and N. 2 Renault Clio Van

Judicial administration n. 2931/2017 - Trento Law Court

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

Complete Lot
Complete Lot
Complete Lot

Complete Lot

Lot 0|Subhasta 19195

Fitxa lot

Trento (TN) - Italy

  • esborrar tots els filtres
IVECO 35C13 Truck


IVECO 35C13 Truck

Lot 1|Subhasta 19195

Fitxa lot

Trento (TN) - Italy

Ford Transit 125 T330


Ford Transit 125 T330

Lot 2|Subhasta 19195

Fitxa lot

Trento (TN) - Italy

Renault Clio Van from 2007


Renault Clio Van from 2007

Lot 3|Subhasta 19195

Fitxa lot

Trento (TN) - Italy

Renault Clio Van from 2010


  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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