Hora del servidor Mon 10/03/2025 hores 15:09 | Europe/Rome

Industrial sawmill - Plant and equipment

Subhasta n. 19905

Jutjat de A Coruna
Venda n.4

Vila de Cruces - Spain

Industrial sawmill - Plant and equipment - Coruña Law Court n° 2 - Sale 4
Industrial sawmill - Plant and equipment - Coruña Law Court n° 2 - Sale 4
Industrial sawmill - Plant and equipment - Coruña Law Court n° 2 - Sale 4
3 Lots
Reducció -100%
Mon 18/09/2023 hores 16:00
Wed 18/10/2023 hores 16:43
  • Descripción

Industrial sawmill - Plant and equipment

Coruña Law Court n° 2


On sale machinery, lines and equipment of an industrial sawmill in Villa de Cruces

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
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  • 24
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