Hora del servidor Thu 13/03/2025 hores 21:42 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Shelving

Lot 2

Subhasta n.15311

Mobles i oficina > Mobles diversos i equipaments

  • Office Furniture and Shelving 1
  • Office Furniture and Shelving 2
  • Office Furniture and Shelving 3
  • Office Furniture and Shelving 4
  • Office Furniture and Shelving 5
  • Office Furniture and Shelving 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción
The lot includes:
n. 45 metal chairs with beige padding and writing surface - ref. 183
n. 15 chairs in chromed metal and black plastic - ref. 184
n. 1 desk with wooden laminate top, type table in wooden laminate, low cabinet in wooden laminate with two doors, low wardrobe in gray laminate with four doors and three compartments, chest of drawers in white laminate with three drawers on wheels - ref. 186
n. 1 galvanized metal shelving about 2.5 meters high, about 12 meters long for a total of 30 shelves 50 cm deep (disassembled) - ref. 188


Loto suspès per

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 50,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 200,00

Despeses d'administració € 200,00

IVA en el lot 22,00 %si fos aplicable


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