Hora del servidor Sat 18/01/2025 hores 10:01 | Europe/Rome

Marketing frozen products - Company branch transfer

Subhasta n. 8421

Jutjat de Ourense
Venda n.2

Ourense - Spagna

Marketing Frozen Products - Company Branch Transfer - Ourense Law Court
Marketing Frozen Products - Company Branch Transfer - Ourense Law Court
Marketing Frozen Products - Company Branch Transfer - Ourense Law Court
1 Lot
Reducció -50%
Fri 29/05/2020 hores 12:00
Thu 25/06/2020 hores 12:00
  • Descripción
Marketing of Frozen Products - Company Branch Transfer

Ourense Law Court
Sale of a company branch specialized in the processing and marketing of frozen foods including properties, plants, trademark, machinery, IT applications, vehicles, furniture and various


Auction subject to reserve price

At the end of the auction, for the best bids received under the reserve price, the award will be subject to approval by the bodies of the procedure.

Offers equal to or greater than the reserve price will determine the provisional awarding of the lot

Lots are sold seen and liked in the state in which they are found.
For further information see attached documentation.

  • Visió:by appointment
  • Depòsit de garantia:EUR 20.000,00

Lotes presents a la Subhasta (1)

Marketing of Frozen Products - Company Branch Transfer


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