Hora del servidor Thu 16/01/2025 hores 17:07 | Europe/Rome

Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine

Lot 1

Subhasta n.10947

Mecànica > Instal·lacions completes

  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 1
  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 2
  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 3
  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 4
  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 5
  • Fro Air Liquid T Master Beam Welding Machine 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripción

Submerged arc beam welding machine, FRO AIR LIQUID mod. T MASTER matr. 50005 year 2012, portal configuration, maximum platform width 2000 mm, maximum height 4400 mm, left and right working group, PLC control, n.02 AIR LIQUIDE generators type STARMATIC 1003DC 400 / 440V (matr. 24934-332 and 242936-332) year 2012, - ref. 82

Any: 2012

Marca: Fro Air Lliquid

model: T Master

Matrícula: 50005


Loto suspès per

Preu de reserva

Tram màxim € 2.500,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 12.000,00

Despeses d'administració € 2.500,00

IVA en el lot 22,00 %si fos aplicable


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Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17
43 Lots
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17

Mechanical industry - Plants and machinery - Lot 17

Subhasta 10947

Jutjat de Vicenza - Caiguda. n. 175/2019
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Fri 21/05/2021 hores 15:04

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