Hora del servidor Sun 01/09/2024 hores 11:28 | Europe/Rome

Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3

Lot 1

Subhasta n.21679

Immobili > Altres

  • Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3 1
  • Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3 2
  • Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3 3
  • Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3 4
  • Descripción
Parking space No. 115, Basement 3 in C/ Rioja 25 (Seville)
Asset information
Registry Area: 16.92
Estimated Municipal Capital Gain: 630.98
Bankruptcy Debt: 70.85
Comments: Free of tenants. Space suitable for vehicles with a width of less than 1.70 m. Active with ADDITIONAL RELEVANT INFORMATION. Request at gestiondeactivos2@reyalurbis.com
Address: C/ Rioja 25, 41001
Category: Property for rent

Information registered property:

Registro N° de Finca Tipologia Referencia Catastral Unidad Superficie registral
Registro P. Sevilla nº 8 FR 29474/37 Garaje 4826605TG3442F0232WG GA-115-S-3 16,92

Superfície: 16,92


Loto suspès per

Valoració € 55.000,00

Prima de l'adquirent 1,00 %

Depòsit de garantia: € 1.100,00

Despeses d'administració € 300,00

Preus mostrats sense IVA i càrrecs segons la llei


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Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3
1 Lots
Oferta lliure

Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3

Parking space (115 S3) on Rioja street 25 (Seville) - Lot S16.3

Subhasta 21679

Jutjat de Madrid

Tue 13/02/2024 hores 12:00

Thu 04/04/2024 hores 12:00

Fitxa Subhasta

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