Hora del servidor Wed 15/01/2025 hores 07:43 | Europe/Rome

Textile Machinery

Lot 2

Subhasta n.14275

Roba d'abric > Tèxtil i Confecció

  • Textile Machinery 1
  • Textile Machinery 2
  • Textile Machinery 3
  • Textile Machinery 4
  • Textile Machinery 5
  • Descripción

The lot includes:

n. 1 antistatic steel cylinder with rubberized inserts - ref. M2
n. 1 DAROITEX steamer with vaporization chamber - ref. M3
n. 1 CORIMATEX inspection line, Mod. VMA1800, matr. 1575, year 1992, equipped with suction (to be used as spare parts) - ref. M4
n. 1 DAROITEX metal detector - ref. M5

Aquest lot forma part de:

Textile Machinery, Warehouse and N. 2 Vehicles
Textile Machinery, Warehouse and N. 2 Vehicles
Textile Machinery, Warehouse and N. 2 Vehicles
Textile Machinery, Warehouse and N. 2 Vehicles
CLots en venda en combinació
5 Lots
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Textile machinery and - Volvo and FIAT cars
Textile machinery and - Volvo and FIAT cars
Textile machinery and - Volvo and FIAT cars
5 Lots
Subhasta en Gobid.it

Textile machinery and - Volvo and FIAT cars

Textile machinery and - Volvo and FIAT cars

Subhasta 14275

Jutjat de Vicenza - Caiguda. n. 128/2020

Wed 16/03/2022 hores 15:00

Tue 19/04/2022 hores 15:00

Fitxa Subhasta

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