Stroje a vybavení - Lisování a zpracování podrážek
Insolvence č. 22/2019 - Okresní soud ve Fermo
Na prodej stroje a vybavení pro výrobu a zpracování podrážek na obuv, jako jsou lisovací stroje se 3 hlavami a logistické zařízení
Pro další informace se podívejte na jednotlivé položky
Items are sold as seen. Viewing is recommended.
Only legal entities outside the European Union, or entities with VAT and qualifying as Companies and/or Professionals under Legislative Decree 206/2005, will be allowed to participate in the auction of certain specific lots. To participate in the auction of these lots, legal entities are also required to send an updated copy of the chamber of commerce registration to:
At the end of the auction, for the best offers received below the reserve price, the award will be subject to approval by the procedure's bodies.
The reserve price is indicated in the lot description. Offers significantly below the reserve price will have less chance of being considered for a possible award. The lower the difference between the offer presented and the reserve price, the higher the chance of award.
Offers equal to or higher than the reserve price will determine the provisional award of the lot.