Sale of lease assets
Only legal entities with VAT and qualifying as Companies and/or Professionals under Legislative Decree 206/2005 will be allowed to participate in the auction.
The lots in the auction are subject to a reserve price. At the end of the auction, for the best offers received, the award will be subject to approval by the clients.
Lot 1: it is noted that the sale of the indicated Lot is to be understood as carried out jointly between the owning Leasing Company and the Procedure (Bankruptcy No. 48/2021 - Court of Prato), each for their respective part of competence, as indicated in the related lot sheet and Notice of Sale published therein, to which reference is made.
The submission of the offer implies knowledge of the content of the Circular of the Court of Prato issued on December 6, 2022 (prot. 240/2022) published on the relevant site and to assume the related obligations.
The buyer must sign, before the completion of the sale, an express commitment to proceed with the related repair within sixty days from the sale.
Consult the specific sales conditions for more information
The lots are sold as seen and liked in their current condition. Viewing is strongly recommended.
The viewing date will be set by Gobid in agreement with the custodian and will be communicated via email.