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Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C


Real Estate > Houses and Apartments

  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 1
  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 2
  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 3
  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 4
  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 5
  • Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN) - LOT B-C 6
  • + foto
  • Description

OFFER COLLECTION - Buildings under construction in Jesi (AN), via Roma - LOT B-C

The properties are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Jesi on Sheet 64:

Parcel 63 – Sub 114 – Unit under definition
Parcel 63 – Sub 280-281 – Unit under construction
Parcel 63 - Sub 282 – BCNC

The lot in question consists of various real estate units under construction in the residential complex called "Borgo Cartiera".
The properties are part of two distinct buildings named B and C.

The two buildings in question have a common condominium entrance and currently the works are incomplete both in the apartments and in the common areas. They consist of four above-ground floors, plus an attic and a basement. Currently, the internal division consists of 14 apartments and two basement rooms.
The progress of the works varies depending on the units considered: the rooms on the basement floors and the two apartments on the ground floor are completely in a raw state, while on the upper floors the plaster and screeds have been almost everywhere completed and some external fixtures are present, many without glazing, and the systems have been partially completed.

The properties are framed within a Recovery plan initiated by a private entity called "Ex Cartiera Ripanti", definitively approved on 06/06/2005 with an Urban Planning Agreement signed with the Municipality on 25/10/2005.

It should be noted that the building permits are currently expired and it will therefore be necessary to submit a new project 
requesting the necessary permits for the completion of the works.

For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Lot Code: 2

  • Attached documents (4)

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