OFFER COLLECTION - Building under construction in Jesi (AN), via Roma - LOT E
The properties are registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Jesi on Sheet 64:
Parcel 63 – Sub 207-279 - Unit under construction
The lot in question consists of various units under construction in the residential complex called "Borgo Cartiera".
The properties are part of building E.
The main gross area of the premises, calculated taking into account the surface of the internal and external walls, is estimated at 437 sqm; the actual size is difficult to assess as there are several walls of considerable thickness; moreover, the various rooms have variable net internal heights. The premises are still in a raw state
The properties are framed within a Recovery plan initiated by a private entity called "Ex Cartiera Ripanti", definitively approved on 06/06/2005 with an Urban Planning Agreement signed with the Municipality on 25/10/2005.
Parcel 63 sub 207 represents, in addition to a portion of underground premises, also the overlying pedestrian area for condominium use that develops along two sides of the above-ground building. It will be the responsibility of the successful bidder to proceed with the subdivision of this parcel, as the pedestrian area will not be transferred but will remain the property of the bankrupt company.
It should be noted that the building permits are currently expired and it will therefore be necessary to submit a new project requesting the necessary permits for the completion of the works.
For further information, please consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Lot Code: 3