Vehicle: Mercedes-Benz C220D
Cylinder: 2,143 cc
Power supply: 125 kW
Year: 2015
Engine supply: Diesel
Measured Km.: 137653 Km
For further information see the documentation in the annex
Ano: 2015
Marca: Mercedes
modelo: C 220D
Vehicle: Mercedes-Benz C220D
Cylinder: 2,143 cc
Power supply: 125 kW
Year: 2015
Engine supply: Diesel
Measured Km.: 137653 Km
For further information see the documentation in the annex
Ano: 2015
Marca: Mercedes
modelo: C 220D
Lote suspenso para
Preço de reserva
Lance mínimo € 500,00
Comissão do Comprador 10,00 %
Depósito caucional: € 1.600,00