Zerbitzariaren ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 02:42 | Europe/Rome

INDUMA MM 200T Shelf Milling Machine

Lote 63

Enkantea n.5091

Mekanika > Fresak

  • INDUMA MM 200T Shelf Milling Machine 1
  • INDUMA MM 200T Shelf Milling Machine 2
  • INDUMA MM 200T Shelf Milling Machine 3
  • Deskribapena

ISO 50 single-spindle rotating head. Control desk with display of dimensions and one
N. 1 upper crossbar with ISO 30 fast rotating head.
Matr. : 237819 - ref. D.3)

Urtea: 1999

Marka: Induma

eredua: MM 200T

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