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Contemporary art: Geppo Barbieri
Author paintings

Subasta n. 21141

Juzgado de Perugia - Eredità Giacente n. 6787/2020
Venta n.5

Perugia (PG) - Italy

Geppo Barbieri, Gianni Dessì - Works of Art - RG 6787/2020 - Perugia Law Court - Sale 5
Geppo Barbieri, Gianni Dessì - Works of Art - RG 6787/2020 - Perugia Law Court - Sale 5
Geppo Barbieri, Gianni Dessì - Works of Art - RG 6787/2020 - Perugia Law Court - Sale 5
76 Lotes
Reducción -80%
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mié 10/01/2024 horas 15:00
mié 14/02/2024 horas 15:00
  • Descripcion
Geppo Barbieri, Gianni Dessì - Works of Art

RGn. 6787/2020 - Perugia Law Court

On sale the exclusive collection of contemporary art works created by Geppo Barbieri (1951-2019). His artistic research has been focused on the mystical-symbolic value of geometric shapes and monochrome, within the post-modern context.

The auction collection includes different types of works of art such as the Crosses and Paintings series, made with different artistic techniques such as encaustic and acrylic on wood, wax and liquitex on wood.

Also on sale is a work created by the artist Gianni Dessì "Seasons" (1988) made with the gouache technique on paper.

Certificates of Authenticity: Absent

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

Procedure is not registered to VIES. VAT is due also for intra-EU buyers.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

  • Adjuntos (1)
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Geppo Barbieri - Cross N. 3 - 1981

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Croce 4 - 1984

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross 18 - 1984

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Croce - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross 10 - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Croce 16 - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Senza Titolo

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross - 1986

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Red Cross - 1986

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Cross 14 - 1986

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Angelo custode - 1985

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (6 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (4 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (4 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (4 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (4 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (4 pz) - 2010

Arte e collecciones

Geppo Barbieri - Raga Painting (6 pz) - 2016

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Geppo Barbieri - John Cage Silence (6 pz) - 2006

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Geppo Barbieri - Black/White Series (6 pz) - 1984-1994

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Geppo Barbieri - Senza Titolo - 1984

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Geppo Barbieri - Greta Garbo - 1986

Arte e collecciones

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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